classic ludo

Play Classic Ludo Game to Win Big at Ludo Sikandar

Classic Ludo, a game with a rich history and universal appeal, continues to captivate players of all ages. Known for its easy guidelines and interesting gameplay, Ludo has been a staple in board game collections worldwide. In Ludo Sikandar explores the origins, rules, strategies, and enduring popularity of Classic Ludo.

How to Play Classic Ludo

classic ludo how to play

Popular board game classic Ludo is one that combines strategy and luck. Originating from ancient India, it’s played on a square board with a cross-and-circle pattern. The game is suitable for 2 to 4 players, each aiming to move their four tokens from start to finish while navigating obstacles opponents pose.

Ludo Board: A square board divided into four colored quadrants, each with a home column and a central area known as the “home” or “finish” zone.

Tokens: Each player has four tokens, typically colored red, blue, green, or yellow.

Dice: A single die determines the number of spaces a token can move.

Dice Cup: Used to shake the dice.

Place the Board: Set the Ludo board on a flat surface where all players can reach it.

Distribute Tokens: Each player selects a color and places their four tokens in their starting area, the “base” or “home” area.

Game Rules of Classic Ludo

classic ludo game rules

Classic Ludo is a popular board game played by two to four players. Though the game is easy to pick, it provides strategic depth, making it enjoyable for all ages. The objective is to move all your pieces from the starting point to the home area before your opponents do.

Objective: The main objective of Classic Ludo is to move all four of your pieces from the home area to the finishing area before your opponents do. Players must navigate their pieces around the board based on dice rolls, avoiding being captured by opponents’ pieces.

Dice Rolling: The game begins with players rolling a single die. A player must roll a six to move a piece out of the home area. After rolling a six, the player can move a piece out of the home or advance a piece already on the board. Rolling a six also grants the player an additional turn.

Movement: Once a piece is on the board, it moves according to the number rolled on the die. The player can choose which piece to move but must follow the path around the board. A piece must complete one entire board circuit to reach the finishing area.

Capturing and Safety: Players can capture opponents’ pieces by landing in the same space. Captured pieces are returned to their home area, forcing the opponent to start their journey again. Safe spaces are designated on the board where pieces cannot be captured. These are typically located on the colored squares or in the finishing areas.

Winning: A player must move all four pieces into their finishing area to win. The first player to achieve this is declared the winner. The game requires strategy and luck, as players must navigate the board while avoiding captures and taking advantage of opportunities to capture opponents’ pieces.


To win Classic Ludo, you must successfully move all four pieces from the starting area to the finish area. The first player to achieve this wins the game.

Yes, Classic Ludo can be played online on the Ludo Sikandar Platform and apps, allowing players to enjoy the game virtually with friends or other online players.

Practice regularly, study different strategies, and play with experienced players to enhance your Classic Ludo skills.

Playing Classic Ludo improves strategic thinking, enhances social interaction, and provides an enjoyable time with friends and family.